Dreamland, Mungallala
5000-acre sheep station, mechanised electric fence installation

Dreamland is a 1600-hectare property that runs about 1000 head of Merino sheep and lambs and had problems with wild dogs and pigs predating on their stock.
They contacted us looking for a new electric fence to keep out feral animals, prevent predation on their stock and stop the roos reducing the grazing capacity of Dreamland.
Because of the size of the job, we brought the Maxi-Trailer to complete this project. The Maxi-Trailer’s ability to complete up-to 2km strands of fencing per load allowed us to complete large amounts of fencing without interruption.
Using the Maxi-Trailer’s GPS function, we were able to accurately and concisely install the new fence on Dreamland’s property line.

Using the innovative Maxi-Trailer, we were able to quickly and accurately install 15km of fencing for Dreamland over a two-week period.
The new electric fence effectively keeps roos out of Dreamland, which has improved the grazing capacity of the property by around 50%.
While it keeps out the roos, it also stops wild dogs from entering into the property which has allowed Dreamland to double its lambing percentage.